Be Careful Out There Part Two
Posted on 30th May 2020 at 11:51
Another cautionary tale but this time with a better ending
We had another case of a distantly based drainage firm charging outrageous prices. Even worse, they failed to clear the blocked sink and left the pipework disassembled. The customer had given them her credit card number which they had demanded as a condition of them coming out, so they charged anyway.
Tip: Not a good idea to give your credit card number 'up front' - although I'm told that paying by credit card does allow some comeback via the card provider.
We went out and cleared the blockage for our standard rate which is less than half the amount they had taken
On my advice, the lady complained to the parent company and, after a bit of chasing up, they did refund the full amount. Well done to them for that.
Here is the (redacted) email the lady sent me:
Hi Ken
Just to let you know that I received a full refund from *** yesterday. I wasn't really expecting it after reading the reviews on their website some of which were less than favourable. I had to keep ringing for updates and was beginning to think they were fobbing me off but was pleasantly surprised! If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have tried to get my money back so, thank you for that. The £252 that *** charged was more than I get for a week's State Pension so you can imagine how pleased I was to get it back!
Thanks once again
Kind regards
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